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Platform GÁTT is a Nordic Council of Ministers’ project led by Reykjavík Arts Festival during 2019-2022. The Icelandic word 'gátt' derives from old Norse and means doorway. The main aim of the project is to ‘open up doors’ for young artists into the festival arena in the Nordic region.

Five high profile multi-disciplinary arts festivals and establishments in the Nordic countries come together in Platform GÁTT to highlight and support young emerging professional artists from the region through a series of events. The participating institutions and festivals are: Reykjavík Arts Festival, Bergen International Festival, Nuuk Nordic Culture festival, Helsinki Festival and The Nordic House in the Faroe Islands.

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Two new pieces for prepared piano at Østre in Bergen, Norway as a part of the Platform GÁTT event at the Bergen International Festival.

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Before we were hit by a pandemic the plan was for 30 young artists to be represented at the Reykjavík Arts Festival as part of Platform GÁTT.

Instead Platform GÁTT in collaboration with The Nordic House in Reykjavík hosted an internet event with a selection of the artists who were supposed to be at the festival. 

A video performance of the sound sculpture Internal Human was exhibited online.

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